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Wanna Book Doctor ZARR?


Just fill out the tiny CONTACT card here on our website (including your location & type of event), & we will get back to ya pronto!


Remember, no show too small or big for us...


If ya just wanna just do an old fashioned email to conact us, or just have a question, then just shoot us an email at DOCTORZARR@GMAIL.COM.

Check our "TOUR" link above if this calendar below does not show any of our dates.  Thanks!

Zarr Calendar 2024

Here's our current Show Calendar as of Jan 5, 2025. More to come!!

February 1: Jackson, MS, Wedding Reception

February 8: Jackson, MS, Wedding Reception

February 15: Helena, AR, Private Party

February 22: Gulf Shores, AL

February 28: Vicksburg, MS, Mardi Gras Party

March 1: Batesville, MS, Fundraiser

March 8: Vicksburg, MS, Ameristar Casino

April 5: Anguilla, MS, Wedding Reception

April 26: Canton, MS, Wedding Reception

May 3: Vickesburg, MS, Ameristar Casino

May 31: Cleveland, MS, Wedding Reception

June 7: Memphis, Carnival Memphis Finale Night

June 20: Conway, AR, Corporate Event

July 4: Gulf Shores, AL, ( Private event)

July 5: Vicksburg, MS, Ameristar Casino

October 4: Oxford, MS, Wedding Reception

September 6: Vicksburg, MS, Ameristar Casino

September 13: Monticello, MS, Wedding Reception

Octoebr 4: Oxford, MS, Wedding Reception

November 1: Vicksburg, MS, Ameristar Casino

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